Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Best idea ever?! I think yes:

Y'all suck at writing on this. I'm going to the Boundary Waters in less than two weeks and then Cali after that and I drive to the Y from Cali! We just found out today from FB that my brother is dating some chic. Weird. My sister in law is getting bigger and bigger every day with the baby boy she is carrying. They haven't decided on a name yet. The canoe trip the student ward was planning for this past saturday was canceled due to too high of waters. It was sad. I went on a date saturday night. It was fun. We played frisbee golf (which I am HORRIBLE at, we need to work on that at byu, or at least with frisbees) and then got ice cream downtown where we ran into a girl I used to run with, which was fun. I have been chilling a lot now since I no longer work at Steak n Shake and am pretty much just lifeguarding. I think that's pretty much it for now...WRITE you poopshnicks.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Amazing Adventures of ME and my . . . Invisible Roommate

I have THE MOST AMAZING ROOMMATE EVER for summer! Yep, her name is Abigail Bailey Caitlin Daisy Xandra Yachne Zaltana and we pretty much party. . . all day. Like the other day we sat in our room and. . . well, that was about it, but it was AWESOME! Heh, yeah. So, Shayla, I guess no one really has to die for you to get your own room without paying extra.

Anyway, so I've been back in Provo livin' in Glenwood for almost three weeks and I figured, maybe I should write something about it. Well, first off I showed up here, walked into the apartment carrying tons of stuff to be greeted by someone just starting their shower and no one else in sight. So, of course, I just stood there awkwardly wondering where the heck I was supposed to put my stuff and why I was even standing there in the first place. Then, saving me from my awkward-standing-ness, one of my other new roommates came out of her room (she had just woken up cuz she works night shifts & gets home @7 am) and sorta showed me where to go. Sadly, I still can't really say that I know my roommates. Two of them are engaged and one has a very close boyfriend so pretty much everyone is gone all the time and I haven't been around that much either.

Okay, so first week back I left on Wednesday for BYUSA Adventure Experience (cuz I'm an officer this year. . . that's really the whole reason that I'm even here right now). That was pretty much amazing! I could write pages and pages about it, but I don't want to use up that much room, so, to sum it up: 28 college students + huge fancy cabin + hula hoops = lots of fun and lots of bruises. :)

So then, this last weekend I was at home, but I'd been invited to be in the Provo parade with the BYU float and I REALLY wanted to go. For some reason my parents went ahead and decided that we'd go, so my whole family got up at 4 IN THE MORNING so that we could go drive out to Provo. (I was supposed to meet people at 6 hence the crazy early-ness) The parade was AWESOME! It didn't start til 9, so there was a lot of time to kill. So we explored the other floats, took random pictures with everyone we met, and were on TV. Oh, and I got to ride on the float! There were soooo many people there to watch the parade and it was soooo long. It was pretty much constant cheering for about an hour or two, but it was great.

Anyway, that's super vague, but that's pretty much been my last few weeks. I'm loving being back at BYU and I wish you all were here too. A month and a half left!!! I miss you all!

Jess House

Monday, June 28, 2010

I'm going hooooooooooo--ooo--ooooome!!!!!! :) :) :)

And yes, the title my sistas is the purpose of this blog post.

I'm going HOME! Yaaayayaaaayayayay!

I love all y'all, and I love p-town, but I need a break.

I'm ecstatic to go home!

I haven't seen my dog (or my family), or the good 'ole Texas soil/sky/rainstorms, BBQ, or y'all-sayin folks since January.

I need my Texan dosage before I become a Utah-n for another year.

Nothing else has happened really truly. I've started making a scrapbook of last year, and three pages are full of just some of the best facial expressions. It's the best part of it honestly.

All of y'all are captured on it, of course. We've had *quite* the year, full of fun, jokes, memories, and strange pictures :) :) :)

Love y'all,

Jay Fish

Friday, June 18, 2010

Hello my dear friends :)

I have been missing y'all a TON lately and decided to write a little somthin somthin. I got into some poison ivy the other week and it still hasn't gone away! It's like on my fingers and my ankles and its extremely itchy sometimes :(. But it's getting better I think. Those Tie Dye shirts do look quite awesome Jessica, props. And wow that is awesome about your friend Donnie Mariah!! I am sad to say that My little project hasn't made any improvements yet but I will try harder. My brother just baught a sound system for his car :/. like the big sub loafer in the trunk and everything, I can probably hear him a mile away! I have fun saying that he litterally has "king kong in his trunk" :). I havn't been doing p90x lately... I knew that would happen haha I get lazy. Ummm oh! Jessica, when are you comming back to Texas? because me and some friends are going to the coast on the 30th. and you should come :). I am going to Kansas con mi familia on July 11 for a week! how close is Kansas to Missuri? Cheeze I can't think of anything else to say! well I guess I'll end it here

Peace and wonderful blessins


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Well...Not Much Is Happening, besides the obvious

Well my favorite ladies of the sista-hood, not much has been going on except the obvious elephant in the room. (The elephant = Lots and lots of these boys we have made friends with are leaving tomorrow, have left already, or are about to leave on missions. It's been weird. I've decided that I don't believe in goodbyes, so I'll just say goodnight instead. I'm sad though, and it's hard. I'm sure that y'all understand. But well... I think I'll just try and ignore the obvious.)

Besides that, honestly not much has taken place.

We did tie-dye and frankly, my shirt turned out pretty freakin awesome :)
Thank yous to hannahbrookegrigg for exposing me to the joys of tie-dye.

Also, in my volleyball class, which just ended :( I got a few jump serves over!! That felt triumphant. Besides that.... pretty dull my loverly ladies.

Well, I love all y'all SOOOOOooooooOOOOOoooOOooOoOooooooooooo much.

I'm going to be in P-town until the end of June, and maybe a week after that. If you're here, please come look me up! (ehhhemm Jhouse)

Only Peace and Blessings,

J. Fish.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Ok, so I guess I'll write another post now. :D

So we've had quite the animal adventure this summer. Most especially the last week. As you may know, we've had a skunk living under our house. Well, my dad caught it in a trap and took it far far away. But that night, there was ANOTHER one!! Well my brother took his shotgun and shot it once it came out from under our house. (It made our entire house reek quite often, though I still think he should've just taken it to the mountains.) Well we went a few more days, thinking we were now skunk free. Nope! I have this big hole in my bedroom wall hidden behind my mirror where a heater used to be, and one day I noticed the most awful smell coming from behind my mirror. Then that night I could hear animals in the wall. So, my brother got his flashlight to look at the little hole under our house. There he could see a big skunk with several baby skunks. Now we couldn't just go under there and get them out, because they were under the old part of the house where there's no way to get under there. Unless you're a skunk. So, my dad set the trap once again. He caught my cat. Then he caught the big skunk. He took it to the river bottoms, and tried to drown it in the trap. Well the metal trap didn't sink so the lid just floated off and the skunk swam away. Unfortunately for it, however, he caught it again and this time he shot it :( Poor momma skunk! Then we set the trap once again. And it took a few days before we got any results. In the meantime, I'd been sleeping either in my mom's room or on the couch, since it seems the skunk's new favorite spot was right under my room. BLECK!!!! But yesterday my mom noticed that the trap door was closed. We peeked in, and there were 2 baby skunks! They were soooooooooooooo cute!! So my mom and I took the trap to the riverbottoms to let them go. Well we were super paranoid that they would spray us, so we were very cautious. We left the trap on the road facing the trees, so we could run away fast. Well I yanked the door off, and turned and ran.... And the skunks just sat there. They didn't want to leave the trap! This was not going according to plan. So we tried propping it up on a rock, hoping they would just kind of slide out. That didn't work either. So then my mom got brave and went to dump them out. She thought one was dead for some reason, apparently she didn't see it ever moving. So she dumped the one out, and then ran from it as fast as she could with the trap so it didn't spray her. I could see the door of the trap she was running with, and the other one was trying to climb out!! So I yelled, and mom hurried and screamed and dumped the other one out on the road. We then hid in our car watching them to make sure they'd be okay. They were. They werer probably the cutest little animals i've ever seen! But since then we've covered the hole, and I was able to enjoy a nice peaceful night's sleep in my own room last night. :D Yay!!

Also this week, I have come upon the knowledge that there are fireflies in Boneta!!!!!! What!?!? I have only seen one firefly in my entire life. In all 19 years of living in Boneta, ONE firefly! That's all my mom's seen too, and neither of my brothers have seen any in Utah period. Well my mom and brother went walking with my grandma the other day. It was kinda late, so it was dark when they were walking home. I was just sitting at home, when I could suddenly heard my mom yelling my name from outside. We grabbed our bikes and headed up the road. Apparently they saw a bunch of fireflies in a field, and my mom ran the 3/4 mile home to get me. She thought they might be gone soon, like the ONE we saw that ONE time. So we hurried back, and it was so awesome! There were thousands of fireflies in the fields! They were so pretty, and we were all amazed and mesmerized. We didn't know if they'd ever come back, so we went back to get my dad. WELL! Apparently he sees fireflies out in the field all the time, and he wasn't impressed at all. PTHTHt. Also my neighbors have seen them lots of times before as well. I don't understand!! My family has lived in that house for at least 20 years, and no one has ever seen them except my dad, and he never thought to mention it. We went back for several nights after that to look at them. So it was pretty exciting!

Work is going well. This morning I was thinking about all the amusing stories I have from work, but at this second I can't think of a single one.... So never mind. Maybe another time I'll share. I'm enjoying being home. I love the country in the summer. Everything is green, flowers are blooming, hay is growing in the fields, and the fresh air smells amazing. The sunsets are beautiful, and the clouds look SO awesome and different every single day. While I could never live here the rest of my life, I've been very grateful that I have such a beautiful place to call home.

Enough about me! Soo, bye!

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Mormon Numbers Are Gonna Increase By ONE!


I really wish you would all write more on here. I get sad checking it all the time and realizing there isn't a new entry from anyone. I understand everyone is busy...but I wanna hear about it, you know? I also understand that a lot of "nothing" has been happening. Work, eat, bed, is pretty much our schedules, no? It's okay. I still want to know those little things. I love you guys.

Well, I am not going to write a whole ton, but I just wanted to announce that my friend Donnie, who has been investigating since April, is getting baptized into our church!!!!!!! It's completely insane to think about. Just last year he was so far off the deep end that I could barely hang out with him much, and he was kinda against the Church. So...this is an amazing miracle. I love this Church and the 'second chances' it gives....and the happiness! I literally burst into tears when I heard the news, and it was just out of happiness. Wow. Keep being the examples you are, guys. You are so strong and even if it doesn't seem like anyone is paying attention to what you are doing, they are. I promise. So many are or are going to be blessed by the good you all do. Take care, and write soon. -Crouching Tiger